
Looking for answers that pop through the boundaries of thought

A few thought-provoking ideas, reflections and entertainments from the deep south of Cape Town...

Some serious, some frivolous, some perhaps just ranting - see what you think!


Here are the lyrics to my 2019 poetry album, "Thickly Mulched Fields of Peripheral Visions". It's available in CD hard copy from me direct on - or it's downloadable and streamable at .
Download codes and souvenir copies of the fabulous artwork are also available directly from me or via my "outlets" in other countries :-)

Here are the words to the poems (and the three songs), all copyright moi. Plus some "notes" to help y'all out. 
AND if you're looking for my earlier releases - my previous CD and book - there are a bunch more lyrics below these ones! And again, audio files at bandcamp, hard copies/CDs from me.

This is a Galactic Security Announcement

There has been a breach in space-time sector Earth 2-0-2-0
The petrochemical cleverness of our previous fatal flooring and concrete constructions
Has caused an unforeseen split in the technosphere
And an unarmed intrusion from the foundational field of peachy peace.
Some believe the resulting global detoxification
Has produced an intercontinental migraine se moer
But in fact it is widening the wily wise cracks in the slapdash pebbledash balderdash of
Decorated generals and plastered presidents.

Let us not beat about the bushy biosphere, beloveds
The razorwire briars round our century-sleeping castles have been ripped out
Lately the egos have been falling from the titanium-tipped towers
In transparently trashy tempests
Now the bull-headed barriers and the iron-clad six-packs in our primal brains that
Bravely kept out the terrifying blaze of Love’s Light are slipping aside
In rhythm with the rising of the magma in Her majestic mantle

We may have stumbled on this epic journey from head to home
We may have carefully drowned ourselves in a cacophony of phony comfort-zone cynicism
But while we thought we were building strict straight solid walls
The Goddess has been cutely corrupting us with curvy-dreaming circles
In each ravishing starburst ripple of her roguishly slinky rivers
Angelic orchestras have been hiding in our long-forgotten belly-pits
And as their symphonies unveil our shimmering secrets the easily-parting curtains reveal this:
Our ever-spiralling multicoloured planetary theatre

The pungent organic architecture of the ripening rainforests
Trembling in our blissfully burnished bodies
Will savour the soaring sap within our softening shamanic souls
The fruity furnaces in our hearts will awaken the
Wild centipede jungle-jiggles of our inner pretty critters
We will caress the landscape with many drumbeat footsteps and make love to the mountains
With every mysterious mythical movement of our divinity-drenched beings
We will prayerfully plunge into the ferociously fermented oceans of each others’ eyes
To the pulsing tectonic melodies flowing from Her magnetic liquid core
We will feast on electric embraces with every gift of oxygen we humbly inhale and our
Sensually quantum dances will cause lightning strikes in the stratospheres of distant solar systems
We will raise potent playful pyramids with our deliciously connecting fingertips
We will conjure-craft palaces of inspiring integrity that hum with finely tuned courageous wonder

So let us know in every sinew of every spirit here lies the bluesy blueprint
Of this blessèd future that already is
As we magical sun-filled miracles finally kiss our funkiest incarnations
And authentically gratefully joyfully cosmically embody the beauty for which, right now
We are being reborn.

 Ode to Chocolate
In some fabulous jungle wizard’s lab there stands a thick and ancient tree
Where liquid chocolate is tapped by the gallon
Every gathering is greeted by a satisfied low moan
As the forest’s spirit-maiden delivers her sensuous gift of sweet acceptance

In some high cave a melancholy monk breathes air
As fresh as children’s kisses
He hums mantras to lull the deep-brown bees to sleep
And raids their hives for chocolate-combs that drip silky stalagmites

On some island boys bring giant pearls to shore gathered from twinkling reefs
And once in a blue moon there’s a malted brown one
Born from the mating dance twixt mermaids and forgotten chocolate ocean gods
Whose staple food is ambrosia from the depths

Some distant star twirls in a lightning-charged embrace of her own power and love
And as she sings her velvet delight
Mighty molecules mould themselves into molten chocolate meteors
Showering the lucky ones with mouth-revealed memorials
To her light-year ecstasies

And we who follow the chocolate trail with our tongues to the satin core of yum
Find our magical imaginations rising to higher vibrations of anticipation
With every devilishly luscious lick…

Tuning in to Tankwa Frequency

we surrender to the field of toe-trance tripping
in a soil built from fossilised ecstasies
till a solitary storm unwraps our minds
and coats our skin in fairy-dew from the future
we soak in a succulent infusion, fusing our thickening love-strings
breathing in illumination in our veins
gifted to us in gratitude from our children’s children’s children
we are the warriors of the spirit
we are the hairs on the wings of the butterfly planet
and as our global gold-plated molecules warm and hum in resonance
we burn in honour of the first tribe
we rise in sculptural salutes to the desert slate-shores of the soul
we kiss the crimson flowing in our bushy core
we mould our movements, awake to our chosen totem-beasts
and beating the rhythm of our broken-open shameless hearts
and we know that this now is the reward for our race
this is the bat-winged edge of the beauty we’re dreaming
this is the cat-cream crystal sky-smile bringing pillow-songs
on the ocean of the ancients and the forest floor of those to come
this is where you and me meet not through electronic toys
but through electric eyes and
this is where we see that
we are foolish shamans becoming love
and the earth, she is rejoicing with us

An Ancient Marinaded Rhyme

Captain! I can spy the shore! Perhaps you’ve seen this one before
An iceberg is approaching fast, the fiddles play, we’ll never last
We’ve been skating on scurvy seas, tempest-trembling at the knees
Mariners marinading our brains while praying for the 40 days of rain
Politely paddling like damp squids at the fringes of the bay
Longing for heart-green pillow-lands to loom and end
The foggy confusion of this mutually agreed illusion

The time has come to escape the mainstream’s rip tides
Sucking us unconscious once more
Time to throw out the deadweight headline anchormen and instead call
All hands on deck of our mothership, all feet on her shivering timbers
All hips trusting the shaking vibration of our newly birthing nations
Feasting on evolutionary vegetation in an aura-orgy of flora and fauna-cation
Navigating with our bold belly barometers into a lightning-strike future made from
Steampunk shipwrecks with elegant intelligence by we permacultured pirates
Heroic electromagnetic generators of tidal-tiger juiciness
Creating the sauces of currents and coastlines as we cascade effortlessly
Over the edge of everything
Curling our mushed egos into the feline forms of freshly minted mind stew
Where we meet the ecstasy in the centre of the hourglass
And conjure up an aeon-turning epic adventure, a luscious lathered lullaby
Transforming the gestures of His story with the cyclical ripples in the nipples of Ms story

Yes, the goddess is erupting from our dreamtime journeying
Urging us to explore the sweet starry entanglement of the dark and salty whirlpool depths
She sings the majestic melodies of the ancestral spiral shells humming in our skeletons
She builds the syncopated sensuality in our embodied dancing dolphin breath
She chants the soft and floozy truth that twilight-tingles on our tastebuds
And opens the doors to our all-perceiving pores
She is the still stallion cresting our heartbeat waves
That crash with crazily intentional intensity
Awakening the rivers that recharge our ocean potency
She is the raw and weedy core, the charming churning in your eyes
The whiff of magic on the wind, the scent of angels swelling the moon
The promise of interplanetary community on a mutual quest for self-mastery
For which she holds both lock and key through recognition of telepathic synchronicity
She is of course both you and me

And so let’s spin the celebratory sequel of this never-ending tale
And sense it floating in this sacred moment
For that long-awaited trip to a new world is but a spirit-stroke of an oar away
If we wild-hearted ones choose to pull together
As those of us who pause to touch the silence right now will surely know

Down the Rabbit Hole Again (Lewis Carroll’s elusive third Alice manuscript)

Oh dear. We’ve uncorked the entrance to that “Drink Me” tunnel of love once more
And who can tell what tasty trance-formative toe-tingling turtle-mockery lies in store
In this marvellously luscious mushy room at the end of the eighth square
Lulled into lunacy while the many, many queens and tarts here present and incorrect yell
Off with your ego!” – cutlass-card sharp in this right royal land of looking-glass classy dance

Take a step, take a chance, proceed to Go! and collect two hundred kisses –
but know you have no monopoly
Fear not the shabby Jabberwock, my son,
he’s just that trickster tricker hookah-smoker caterpillar in disguise
and he’ll soon fade into warm hilarity
like the creamy feline smiles we feel pulsating from
somewhere below our burrow, somewhere breathing through our muscular marrow
to the bone china of this, our magnificent electric and magnetised
human tea set

For Hey! Presto or perhaps Hey! Allegro
Is a fairy-circle forming magical speed at which to spiral in synchrony
with waistcoated rabbits and dassie and dormouse dreams
as we form flaming flamingo-winged croquet sculptures on the lawn
and realise once more that life is truly a hairy marching wonderland
whenever we remember that we are still innocent enough to eat a thing that’s saying “Eat Me!”

whenever we remember that we are still innocent enough
to take all the cosmic expansion in our stride
for the cycling of breath is the source of all our sauciness

So while we are still young and frolicsome, let us pour a little more playful potion
Stirring us into the kind of creative cauldron the planet loves to party with
A little lubrication for heart-communication, a little more trust in the joy that is us
Dear friends, this story, we know, has a happy ending,
for as we awaken to our truth with underlying alchemical algebraic integration
this wonder-full dreaming never stops unfolding


Words, vocals & keyboards Simric Yarrow
Music composition Simric
Didgeridoo Ronan Skillen

We interrupt this life to bring you an update as it’s apparently all clear again on all major highways
After multiple snarl-ups over the past few months
In this juggernautical astronaughty solar journey there’s been a lurching and a loosening of the wheels we call society
It’s time to find a little luminous headlight humility and learn
To change the tired tyres we call the capital economy
And admit a patriarchal piston-pounding’s caused us
hangovers of note
And exercise more than the minimalist yoga of our
so-called democratic vote
And in case you haven’t yet caught the high-speed
low-tech joke
We are the next generation self-drive vehicle miracles
of the gods
Although, yeah, we’ve wandered lonely in a cloud of tweeters picking electronic petals
(“She follows me, he follows me not”) - across tarmac tarnished with infantile pothole politics
Immature joyriders racing in the disempowered lane &
firing off turbocharged toxic speech capsules

So let’s change our gears
Feel the sacred seeds in the ipods falling from the
i-maginary i-trees in our fertile souls
Remember the soft crooning of those ancient analog tractors
Spinning shellac 78s through the
thickly mulched fields of our peripheral visions
And gather our hitch-hiking spirit guides
from the unseen slipstreams
Yes, we are the heart-based artistic intelligence of
the fourth industrially-spiritual age
Beyond the rock teachers and plant teachers and
eternally orgasmic bonobos boogying in our bones
All we have to do is figure out how to turn our ignition on
And by the way with all this genius circuitry
there’s never just one switch
But the beautiful binary code of breath is
one of the keys of this Gaia-based game
So let’s gratefully absorb the air into
our microbial meadows buzzing with internal symphonies
Brazenly baring the brassy basslines of our
sultry sousaphone semibreves
As we engage our natural horsepower antpower sealpower lionpower eaglepower angelpower
Give up being fast and furious and become
firmly flirtatious with everything

This is not an A to B perpetual motion machine trip
It cascades in gushing spirals of mutual curiosity through mischievous eruptions of richly reforested canopies
Watered by luscious thunderstorms of
divinely-programmed kisses
We will unlock the reboot of inspiration in our
yearning goddess engines
And fingertip-forge technologies of true liberation
As our magical mouse moves decode the quantum epiphanies encrypted in our sunflower-sprouting skin
Our trembling calves will plant dragon-seeds and dreamscapes
As we screech the banshee ballads of our
wildly warm wolf-hearts
And honk our kudu horns to accompany the
peace-brewing mantras of sunrise doves and sunset bugs
We will daisy-chain dance the soaring stories of our
sensual descendants
Rising from that molten choral core of
mountain-moulding melodies
And drip with the somatic sweetness of our
mindfully ecstatic embraces
And taste the salty softening truths in
each other’s eyes and hips
And hear the laughter of the oceans rippling juicily over our lips
And vibrate with the cosmic echoes of our
evolving biological harmonies
The echoes of our edge-born secret desires mingling with our collective moving prayers
The echoes of the eternal applause for our
gorgeous forthcoming performances
The infinitely epic echoes of our
extraordinarily sassy source-connected sorcery

Words, vocals, keyboards & trombone, music composition -
Simric Yarrow
Percussion - Ronan Skillen

There was a girl who craved a hug and found a fist
There was a man who gave up gold for knots on ships
There was a baby crying while his mother passed away
There was a hunger filled with songs of a desert guitar

When we sink into our skins we find the ancestors there
When we turn and face the candle’s softening wax
When we ride the wild sea-horses of the past
Mermaid’s purses filled with memory grains so fast

There was a lady who loved dancing as a girl
There was a woman who told children life was more than factory smoke
There was a soldier who wrote poems to the wind before the fire
There was a man who used to smell the flowers in the field

When we melt into our dreams we find our stories there
When we turn and face the spirits in the wind
When we fly so far and true to albatross-webbed skies
Feathered dresses drifting down on eddies of disguise

Let us thank them for they tried
Let us find the flow inside
Let us rest their weary souls in peace
And feel their tears of joy upon our face
At witnessing our smiles of release

In my legs there is a marcher against fear
In my lips there rolls a sweet sweet mango rich in juice
In my lungs there rings a simple sermon clear
In my eyes there is a worshipped god shaking loose

Words, vocals, piano, trombone, music composition -
Simric Yarrow
Percussion - Ronan Skillen

today I found a pirhouette inside my pocket
a dragon roaring in tear-stained lycra
perched in sepia with an eerie ancestral ache
unfolding over the toast and marmalade
of the mainstream media

tenderly I discovered the dicotyledon leaves in the courtyard
that wobble their timelapse selves towards the dawn
throatily croaking in an unheard helium octave
shooting like toddlers towards the helios dance
that rumbles in my bones and calls me home

home to another lacy moment tasting blackberries
upon your effervescent lips and home to the first sliver
of the shy crescent moon returning in a blue cheese sky
home to the lonely microphone upon the open stage
a plucked dandelion attracting honeybees
still searching for the ghosts of last year’s nectar

together we sit on the cusp of wonderland
where this flat and icy world of synapse-zapping infowars
will snowflake-float away and we’ll pause
to mulled-wine mull upon a piece of truth
that’s skating towards us in curvy clues and
blasting beyond the late winter blues

in these moments of immaculate perception
(goaded on by playful pixie prickles
from beyond the veils that coat this scene) - we tunnel-tumble
linking fingernails and pressing our warbling palms
against the force and current of one another’s tides

and when we hide there comes another peeking toe
for this messy imperfection rides its skirts up the carburettor
smudges the menu with yesterday’s sorrow
and holds the universe to ransom for a whiff
of tomorrow’s jasmine in your hair


Words, vocals, keyboards/bass, music composition Simric Yarrow
Guitar - Jamie Jupiter
Percussion - Ronan Skillen

CHORUS A : Well yeah we are the people of the deep deep south
I see a sparkle in your eyes and a smile on your mouth
And as we kiss there are angels which our lips bring to birth
Cos we’re dancing here for heaven on this fragile earth

CHORUS B: Well I know that there’s a god and she looks like you
She’s got purple-streaked hair and her skin is bright blue
& I’m singing from my heart & I’m singing through my mind
& the magic of this moment lasts until the end of time x4

Take me to the limits of your ecstasy
Warm me with your sunlight so that we can fly free
Honey I can taste the birdsong humming in our souls
This is a blockbuster babe and we’re the starring roles

Now let’s open our arms to the friends either side
Each one of us a galaxy a zillion light years wide
And as we feel the vibrations rising up from the ground
We’ll know we’re also planets spinning round and around

Open up your crazy stories let’s climb aboard
We’ll ride and fight the demons with a samurai sword
We’ll float on clouds with angels dancing over the hills
It’s a rollercoaster feast in there with all of the frills

I’m spying out a future where we quiver with love
And it flows to all this wild world below and above
And it’s roaring towards us calling us to awake
you’re driving from the helm I feel my whole being shake

Composed & performed by Simric Yarrow

Ladies and gentlemen put your shields down
For the super sale to end all sales
Float over a shop floor sea to the
Secret delights of the fitting room
Fear not that you might not look like those
Emaciated models and mannequins
Or our corset-choked Northern ancestors
Faint and wan and under the thimble-and-thumb
Just float over that shop floor sea to the
Secret delights of the fitting room
Fear not that you might press promising Eastern
Poly petrol fabrics to your private places
Produced perhaps by smiling sweatshop sweater slaves
While farmers burn pure wool in trade war madness
For is not this the stuff of which sweaty dreams are made?
Fear not that someone will mock your choice
For today’s ranges are full of flavours for every palette
Colours for every ice cream cone,
patterns for every wallpaper junkie
Logos to match every Jaguar or Beach Buggy
Lingerie to match every hopeful boyfriend’s wallet
Lycra to give you that medal-winning feeling
And lipstick to match your glossy undercoat
Fear not for hanging space as our wardrobes expand
In Narnian exponentials and the Third World fills with
Kindly donated corporate-branded cast-offs while local looms
Stand hopelessly frozen and traditional garb is lost
Beneath this summer’s must-have item

Does our naked beauty still lie mocked by crude boy-men or
Indulged with skimpy little numbers for little girls?
Are we still taken on a trolley-ride far from the warm-hearted chaotic clarity within?

Let us reawaken our spindle-fingers,
stretching beyond the pins and needles
Teasing out the fresh-view skeins,
unravelling new soft-touch balls of delight
Let us play at unwrapping the swirling silk of our soul
Let us tingle-touch the finest fibres and smell the way the simplest natural cloth picks up our deepest essence
Let us lift magisterially magical veils that
sweep starlight in their passing
Let us find ceremonial robes to
thrill our inner biker priest-priestess
And night club groove-tubes to
enliven our inner swaddled swamis
Shining out from our leather-bound armour-plated halos
To our fairy boots with zip-up suede pom-poms
via our cackling lesser-spotted joy-thongs

for now is the rhyming, reasonable time to get truly attired
spectacularly zootily-suited,
expressing our marvellous moment-to-moment selves
swapping and jumbling and sharing the contents of our chests and our drawers
with all the rip-roaring elegance our spirits know to be
our fully-dressed justly-deserved dessert

Composed & performed by Simric Yarrow and some birds

We could begin in the usual fashion, with a little sardonic scientific observation
Classifying documents and souls
according to habitat and chatter
We’ve fiddled our grasshopper helicopter cacophony
to drown out the fires below
Carpet-bombing the last stuffed dodos in our memories
We’ve ignored the purple-feathered pigeons
just beyond our supersenses
Cooing clarinets, quietly carrying out global recalibrations
with resonant incantations
And yet the morse code tapping
of the woodpeckers in our skeletons
Reminds us that only together do we hold
the gilded key to new dimensions of creativity
Somewhere fireflies jive in semaphore
a message to our mammal pores
And the mosquito-sized concerns we have of
missing the great onward flight connection
Are swallowed by spirit-swifts circling the lake of time

We step out from the crumbling concrete
of our skyscraper elevators
And boogie on down with those angelic alligators
We set our navigation dial to the tune of germination
With a healthy dose of holy hugs and voluptuous cultivation
We take that sacred quest for secret chalices and bodices and
Ruthlessly embody all our inner feathered goddesses
We plant the crazy seeds of treeline canopies
Where we can dance candid can-cans
with the toucans and the pelicans

For Mama Gaia’s just warming-warning us
so we can hatch anew
Yes, we’ve finally reached the
deep bass camp of collective evolution
Can you feel that itching in the shoulder blades
that says the time has come
To unleash those hidden human wings
So while the feral rhythms of the jungle night
sound out in full-blooded applause
We become our own warm-blooded saviours
Pick up those kaleidoscopic binoculars that just flew into view
Now is the moment for a more magical magnification

Catch that eagle eddy arising in your belly
Soar and see the songlines in our bloodlines
that we’ve just begun unravelling
Smell the whale-chorus in our salty wombs
born from the ocean’s constant kisses
Taste the harmony a-brewing in our bodies’ melting-meeting as we leave our fears for desert compost
And become as trustworthy as migrating mountains
Follow the tornado concerto to the mystery’s pulsing heart
And fall as grateful raindrops into her thirsty arms
Trilling our trillions of melodies
born in the dreams of ancient stars
And as we breathe the bounty
rolling in our lilac-breasted beings
Her unabashed blessings will vibrate out
from our softening core
Her ripening wisdom in our cells
will mould passion-pollen palaces so that
With every carbonated feeling we release
and every sensual stroke of oxygen we receive
We will hear and know we are the alpha and the Om
of this birdsong-programmed planet we call home

Words, vocals, trombone, whistles, adungu, music composition - Simric Yarrow
Additional percussion Ronan Skillen

imagined supersonic applause rumbles heavenward
while through this airy elemental auditorium
the simple, brilliant elegance of feathered flight
is cast aside by an egotistical squadron

these disconnected dragon-souls
beam destruction down upon distant worker-ants
wreaking collateral damage and thermonuclear deceit

sealed away from the roaring of winds
the pilots of convenience overshoot the lonely albatross
but force their passengers to swallow caged air
full of stale words in a global bacteria zoo
rebounding fields of electrotext cause popping in
the invisible parts of our time-trimmed ears

somewhere the locusts fly
capricious hurricanes tear at paper roofs
unseen bellows fan the forest fires
earth’s breath belches topsoil-stripping tornadoes
in a wild countdown till the oxygen burns
and the high drones of technology
confuse the bees and scatterflies

air-creatures delicately searching
midst the subtle pollen radiance
spreading seed-wisdom wide
alongside the birds and squalls

and we who tune our inner aerials know that we too
are an illusion
an awesome intention
almost entirely space

we take in the gusts right to our guts
we feel our body-glove that glows unseen
we stretch beyond our eyries for the fingertip visions
we seek the naked freshness
of rustling tree and hilltop flutter

whistling gliding symphonies over busy breezes
carrying afar the giggles of children and soprano stomps
and the soft strumming plucking siren songs of
an orchestra of emotion open to naturally coloured freedom

the greater breath blows its chorus
the feathered cloud-herds float in eloquence
and somehow peace is proclaimed
through all the multiple domains
where the feisty fruity flutes of dawn do reign

and our ancient galactic angel’s arrows
soar serenely in all directions
towards home

Words, vocals, music composition, additional percussion -
Simric Yarrow
Percussion - Ronan Skillen

now is the winter of our embezzlement
auction hammers made in China resound across the chasms
sirens close the factory chimneys and tyre-millstones
burn the souls of brilliant petroleum executives
and still the sun rises at dawn

though shack-smoke dulls the sky and
bitter-brittle cocktail-bombs smash across the bows
and moonshine-fuelled guncracks wreak deep-fried havoc
in romantic tabloid crush-crash-crimes
still the sun rises at dawn

daily, it blazes out on the shock of new true love
bruising gangland busts warm into beauty-bursting moments
chargrilled chatter sparks into spiral wildcat comet-tales
till we risk a hot-coal salsa-step
beyond the night-ash of our yesterselves

molten honey flows golden from our crystal core
surface-rising to a budding-giggle-wriggle-bubble that
erupts escapes explodes

we are a jubilation revelation on a holy quest to quench
a thirst for flirting with the salamander-spirits of this life-space place
we are the thought-flowers of the cosmos leaping into outer time
we are the royal rainbow flame-crowns stripping free from our crumble-crusty shields
into a fiendish sweetmeat phoenix-feast

right here the dragons in our fingers and our hips and lips
mouth-blast our deep devouring desire
to take that big-breathing journey to
the only one there is

right here the walls tumble to the silent chorus yelling out
the message from our massed magnificent hearts

we soar, soaked to the inner scorch-skin
in the glowing oil of truth
and as the sun sets still we shine

building dream-temples of a vision life
knowing it begins with us
being and becoming simple and divine

Words & vocals Simric Yarrow
Music composed & performed by Simric & Ronan Skillen

trickle-tickle rivulets bubble through the backyards
soaking up the cardboard slices
eddying round shiny wrappers
pooling into instant creeks
swarming swamps of new-laid parasites
fizzing with the desire to grow and swell and bite and
feast on passing feet
urgent churning whirlpools babble past the cracking drains
sweeping forth our detrimental influential
excremental effluent
flushed pink by amorous sweet-smelling detergents
purified bleach-brooks ripple into
triumphant alien algae blooms until we find
amidst this mighty ever-restless acrid
putrid petrol-driven stagnant sea
there is not a drop to drink

we gather where the dust scatters
where determined duiweltjies lacerate our flaking skin
we swirl in dancing torrents that recall and recreate
our ocean origins
our own salty animal soup
the flowing crystals dripping daily through our cells
the anointing cataracts of conscience
springing forth from ancient ancestral orgasms

and in an instant we are present to
the snowflakes of a perfect gratitude
the glimmer of mermaids
the water-wisdom of our long-forgotten new-found tribes
catching the thunder-waves on our
sap-filled surfboards from the source of thought

hearing us, feeling us, dancing with us
the world’s sea-womb rejoices in a
wild and kelp-hairy game of chase and be-chased
her angry sickle-shark cave-carving subsides
into lagoons where dolphins laugh and flamingoes dream
into smooth spring tides
that carry trusting sailors to their futures
into soft and supple orchard-gifts
and freshly-ripened paddy-fields

until we dive into Bacchus-vats of
bottled and fermented whale-joy
until we splash into clear streaming-mirrors
witnessing and soaking and
wringing out our souls
before darting forth in homeopathic doses
channelling our fishy-wishes for the rainbow-juice that joins
in trickle-tickle rivulets
of fluid unstoppable desire

Simric Yarrow - words, vocals, additional percussion
Ronan Skillen - didgeridoo, percussion
Jamie Jupiter - guitar
Music composition by Simric & Ronan

some place all place shows its face
twist turn stub toe
wake up call
from forces of folding entwining waiting
for we stumblers to tumble into
recognition of our mother

the low hum of the turning earth is there
the still illusion crumbles dusty
each time we bend listening-low to
the seed-sounds of borer-beetles
furiously full of thick energy
excitedly eating their way to

the still illusion giggles into space
each time we stretch our tattered branches
into a mind taking in the suppleness of rock
hugging close the rich-shifting-time-seam streams of silver-sheen
squeezing in our cells crusty aeon-stories

the still illusion sprinkles into sauce
for micro-mineral-magic tempting out
the first shoots and strands
insisting on the pleasure of the dark dance
swarming with potency
caressing our skins from within

the salt-rooted sap-rivers of our corporeal earths
will aura-bloom in daily celebration
of a spicy-seasoned spring
will boom a grounded throat-warble
born in the depths of our wild worm-wings

the salt-rooted sap-rivers of our corporeal earths
will bathe in brown beauty until
soil-soaked and tossed in bony bliss and sultry sinew
they swirl into crisp crystal oceans

will chocolate-churn and pistachio-peacock preen
and speak a honey-charm bass-beat babble
that reveals more than our
tiny shiny single-sting minds alone can grasp
that unveils a single-shell secret in our treasure chests
that uncurls a feet-thigh hip-heart spiral
winding over magisterial mango-pulp magma
to the solid realised summit
of the ripe dreams
she’s wanted us to dream

since the first sunrise of our sublime species
since the first surrender to her
eternal mud-warm embrace
since the first grateful guava-sip
of her ever-swelling bounty

Composed & performed by Simric Yarrow

And so the time has come once more to reach into our fiery core and feel we’ve done this all before
The rebirth through the common touch the sharing gifts the blessings such that inside we can feel so much
And after all we are just sparks of light descended from the starry night and all together we shine bright
Our wild hearts are singing out so warm and standing strong before the storm calling pure love into form

Roar our kinship with all the beasts
Share our love with trees from west and east
Sing our joy out to the sea and land
Sing our gratitude for rocks and sand

Wise we turn and sense within our bones our earthly mama’s fruitful tones her joys and sorrow moans
Crystal structures formed within our cells are playing chords that chime like bells across the mountains of our souls
Raising up our branches to the sky a guiding father so close by who wants us all to fly
Joining hands a circle on the ground we plant our roots
so we can stand and touch the spirits all around

Taking gulps of air deep within and sense it tingling on our skin as the veils between wear thin
Candles hidden deep within our eyes building bonfires leaping high blazing truths that never die
Burning with a human passion here that melts away all human fear into a brilliant future clear
Flowing with the rushing river tide until we reach the other side tears bubbling into laughter wide


The sirens are sounding! The sirens are enticing!
People of Earth, choose the way you view,
for the Purple Butterfly is landing.
The Condor and the Eagle are taking off.
We are now arriving at our long ached-for desire-destination.
We are passing the testing post-fact period of
pesty teste patriarchy.
So put a feather in your cap if you have one.
And if you don’t, ask the winged messengers to send you one.
They will, 100% bank guaranteed.
Float your bobbing stocks and your logarithmic lives on the Great River of Rhythm with joy in stacks and pogo packs for this is the time of fast-forward reward
and slow-down breath-bliss pause.
Pay attention to the signs for if you choose they are clues to the new you always knew was going to be here now.

In fact, this is the time of the New Sun
when we remember why we came
even if it’s a Manichaean time-plane stream
some of us never expected to be in.
A time of unravelling the twisted truth in
twisted hair harmony amidst the
awesome pollination of some fabulous bumblebee melodies.
A time so unknowably creative when we can fight the demons best by predicting exactly what we most wildly wish for.
So here goes.
It will be a time when polar bears make friends with penguins
through magnetic ecstatic acrobatic telepathy;
an age when American multi-billionaires will take sacred medicine in the Amazon
(without buying up the potent plant-patent rights)
and expand their free-flight horizons as they
empty their inner trash cans
faster than a water-wise toilet flush;
an era of holy hoping and voracious hopping towards the
candid soul-sound bright lights – camera - activation;
an epoch of bracing embraces, of unbundled
day-to-data communicating commuters
celebrating communion with our androgynous divinity
so –
it doesn’t matter if your sunny touch spirit screen is
flat or curvy,
for the boneshaking once begun cannot be undone,
the rattling of our mitochondrial serpents is unravelling the
ancient whispers of the secret seed-spells in our cells
and the love-bomb has already smashed the Vatican vaults and sprinkled the ashes of the archives with chilli’n’chives from deep-heart dives
and the whales are singing that there is no going back
for the boneshaking once begun cannot be undone
and when we open our soft sweet lips and utter
the horrid truths we hid into the always-forgiving world
we know that there is no longer any wide star-jump Renaissance Man analysing of the aeons
needing to be performed with telescope microscope stethoscope
just a big beating globe longing to be felt
and we feel it
when we choose to trust
that we do.

 TAKE OFF 2012

Bing! Bong! Bing!
This is the final boarding call for the spaceship Gaia
Leaving from gateway 2012, destination far beyond the currently possible horizon
Passengers are reminded that they are in fact crew.
Please check in with your whole beings, leaving only your baggage behind;
This craft has been designed to run on a judicious fuel combination of Love and Imagination, and all taking this trip are therefore requested to ensure they have a
Full Heart-Tank prior to departure, and that all extraneous flammable gases are released,
Preferably at high volume and in the presence of children.
Running, skipping, leaping and whooping in the aisles is mandatory, and for this reason seat numbers will be regularly swapped before excessive comfort sets in.
Please observe carefully as our delightful bevy of attendants demonstrates how to loosen your safety belts.
There are no emergency exits worth taking because it’s time to wake up.

Yes – we have been sleeping
This young upstart start-up species of ours
And what monsters have visited our nights!
Shame-worms and guilt-snakes and
Figleafs spawning fashion industries and plastic surgeries
Steel-lipped smiles beneath large cool shades
But the global alarm siren is crooning to us
Haven’t you heard? Body-based bliss is the new bling
Let’s sweep our flame-wings up and
feel the potency of the carbonated sunshine in our spines
Don’t be a kundalini meanie, dare to share your fleshy tingles
Open your eyes and dive your magic-mind-body-beautiful
Into sumptuous seas of skin-shine silk
Dive into the delicious black hole at the core of our galaxy
Dive into the delicious mystery at the core of every soul

Can you cope with this succulent cornucopia?
Let’s be guided by that ancient perfect GPS beating out our power pulse
Breathing in the essence of presence from all directions
Until from every ecstatic pore ooze laughing Buddhas, horny angels, fabulously mythical fellow mammals,
foul-breathed long-hidden wild-scaled and actually gorgeous darling devil-dragons
peace-giving sword-wielding sons of gods and terrifying tornadoes of goddess sensuality

This year let’s trust we have the inner polar charge to polar-shift society
Let’s trust we have the strength to build the
most exotically erotically poetically vulnerably vibrating version of reality imaginable
brick by multi-dimensional sublimely demented DNA-transforming shape-shifting brick
Let’s trust we nuclear doses of divinity can stretch our spirits
so that every last festering wound is offered to the sweet healing breath of this life
Let’s trust we have within each of our hearts the perfect
mothers fathers elders brothers sisters teachers lovers we used to complain that we’d missed out on
Let’s know that the universe is waiting to share with us how much it loves us
Let’s know that this exquisite earth is rising to express her full animal-vegetable-mineral glory
for those of us who pause and feel and rise too to the challenge of our own born-free birthright
seeing our own star-studded brilliance streaming out
in beautiful surrender to the desires of the only One there is
hearing the music that She plucks from our throats
dancing the moves of her cosmic paintbrush
ripening into the vast orchards her visions have planted
rejoicing with embodied relish in her unstoppable flood a-flowing
and sensing just how big our tribe is growing

Ladies and Gentlemen, I do declare, we have planetary lift-off…

Song for Sheba 

sheets folded convent-style
perfect as freshly-opened double cream
we crumple them with our soft storms of legs and lips
a deeply earthly cleansing 

and when I meet your hennaed hands
and lose my fine edges in their playful curls
I marry you anew in this blackbird-spoken moment
and we reveal again our looking-glass divinity
while the languid streams of passing carpet-flights
promise silk-routes to the source-sea 

we may be the first to grin with
the secret smiles of flirting daisies
the first to wonder if
archangels inspired holy hymns to
self-denying ashrams and austere monks
and helped them steer souls with their harmonies
through the alleyways of years
so that one day we might dance our
lovers' sambas to their ancient speaker soundtrack 

for this ice-warm 21st-century purr
this potent ocean star-juice-knowing
coconut-cracking clawing-giggling tenderness
resurrects the gods

[The Song of Solomon is of course the "sexiest" book of the Bible, which perhaps isn't saying much. His great love is considered often to be the African Queen of Sheba. So here's a post-patriarchal update...]

Climate Co-Creation

The coral fades to grey and the field-beasts fade to white
And the waves carry surfers high above our barren buildings
And the winds blow acid onto the stunted saplings
And the parched land rains frogs again
And the earth’s cries of grief are the only memory left
And cancerous locusts eat the bones of our vanity
And the rotting hulls of auto-wrecks remind the ghosts
Of our monumental ice-mammoth follies

We could choose through delusion this vision of oblivion
But let us rather choose to polar-melt out of me-polarity
Linking hands and feeling with feet
Playing humbly with our mortal solar power
Allowing the bounty of the ground to shower
Untold miles of festive smiles

Rousing the forgotten saxophone voices in the
Politicians’ souls that wannabe as free
As our love-dove songs and
As loopy as tumble-honey bears dancing into spring
A freedom no oily crude barrel-bribes can buy
Returning the clock to that time beyond time
Where CO2 is just a thing for trees to chew
And humans have no time to divide nations and minds and lives
And lands and limbs and lambs

But only time to make acorn-ornaments for bird-bower houses
Floral monuments and curly-turtle sand-shows
Wand-wishing beauty-seeds over the fretful world
Till faint strains of these, our choral conquests
Wash the ocean deeps
And cool the corals back into bloom

Gathering Dust - (a live version from a couple of years ago is here )

A new exhibition is being curated
In the All-Africa Museum of World Culture
Where, subject to strict temperature controls
The complete set of Stonehenge uprights is on display
In another room, a signed Folio of the renowned shaman, Shakespeare
And some Grimes Graves ancient arrowheads
Please mind your fingers as you pass. Refreshments are available
Along with souvenir replicas of the Mona Lisa (a recent purchase
made at smiling gunpoint)
The original cast of The Marriage of Figaro
Stuffed and tastefully mounted
Right next to the section showing
Admirable bits of admirals’ rears
All contained, of course, within the European room. A room with
Medieval pedigree reaching back to the times of
True-Cross-Splinter collections and saints’ worship-worthy knucklebones

Beyond this faintly rotting gathering of gods so dead
That sacrilege is no longer deemed to apply
A woman waits, burning her journals, and weeping like her mother did
For her gene-generations tell stories from other caves
Whispered on days of blessing and mourning
Sung over moving dunes under starlit skies
In forgotten tongues that only scorpions hear
And single-filing children seeing scimitars
Feel the dust-walls fall and dream of feelings
Those Victorians failed to crush in drabness

And having felt the power-pulse they move on
Confident that heaven alone archives what is true
Here, perhaps, new cathedrals of the senses
Collected collective celebrations
Will rise in sandstone dreamblocks and shine for all.

[Grimes Graves - a Stone Age quarry site in Norfolk, UK; every ancient Catholic church seems to have its ghoulish relics from the True Cross to saints' bones]
SANGOMA CHILDREN (First published in 'Flying on the Lucid Fringe')

They’re at it again
Sangoma children drawing fiercely
Filled with the seasoning of purity
Quivering with the giggling eruptions
Of tiny giants falling.

Delicate, delicious, then suddenly
All-devouring these boldly going souls
Step delightedly on toes
Squish beans and mash and fish with fingers
Slimed and slippery until the awestruck
Parents servants clear the decks
Pristine seconds till the pendulum 
Swings back and time rolls us on.

From the first crawl to the siren of bikes
Is shorter and further than the fifth element
Still the sangoma children lead us on
Pounding us with feisty funny rhythms
That wear no sleeveless hearts
But strip us bony, peel us to the inner
Fill us with a need to tumble and tremble and
Tickle us with sweet flowers freshly picked
Call us to build safe temples for
Fragile shongololos 
Forcing us to fart out our demons
Until we too truly learn to be
Dragons riding the wild horse herd
Of raging life.
Blessings to my sangoma children! 

[Sangoma = African shaman; Naartjie = small sweet citrus e.g. tangerine, satsuma; shongololo = African centipede; camagu = Xhosa term of respect/blessing]


I found you swimming backwards
up a chimney clogged with dolphin’s tears
caught on a wispy whisper
until at last you learnt to grasp the flames 

I etched with you in primeval forests
sketched spirit-seams penetrated wild and weedless
by cycads bristling with
cycles of carbon crystal curls 

I kissed you as willingly as you shone
through the glazing of petrified thoughts
to numbers on a slate
slates on a fractal mountain
red with the sunset in your veins 

I lay with you and felt soft
metallic droplets of time soothe our backs
as creatures from our dreams lumbered juicily
over the furlongs to the starting gun 

Which woke me from dreamtime to a deeper human sleep
I forgot the foreverness of our shared story
forged iron choices built on lonesome shadows
till blood-light flowed on my blade and pierced my heart 

I cried for you and more for us
our lush entwining vines now biltong-dry
your most mysterious pearls crushed underfoot
by burst banknotes and bullets in the belly 

I sing for you a new creation carved
in airy freedom on the wings of rainbow spirals
beyond three-dimensional despair
born from an ancient urgent longing to smell the
colours of your mind and know
that you feel the pure gold of my being
silently pulsing in the moonlight 

[biltong = southern African word for strips of dried meat
 cycads = dinosaur-era gymnosperm plants, still relatively common in southern Africa]
Take A Step With Me

take a step with me
and let it be an awkward never-before step if it must
but take a first step giant leap onto a new planet

maybe it feels like one where the air oozes
medieval restraint, courtly gavottes and shy eyes
but dance a dervish arabesque anyway
and if your waltz freefalls into a poker-faced polka
find your inner dotty bikini
let this world’s warm eddies lift your fluttered lashes

there is a Harlem jive in every girl and boy
there is a child in every tight-hipped stone
(stones have their own low-down funky moves you know, but I’m sure ours are more fun)

loosen that tuxedo, do the barefoot tap
swing your heart over your shoulder and if
it needs to wail from some ancient pond
long obscured by water-weeds and ulcer-aches
know this dance-planet is a sanctuary
and the screaming-streaming is the first flow
the first burst-through bubbling of a spring
on its way to whirling mighty seas

turn your tutu
meet the dolphin-souls around you
feel the sonar-sounding salsa pulsing through your being
trampling demons into wine in a circle of connected flair

we’ll dance a dance to praise the dead
we’ll dance a dance to raise the living into bloom
shaking out the royal jelly in our belly
catching eyes and tossing them back again in this

the rattle-rolling tangy tangerine tango country
the deep beat heart-heat bleating rippling with promise land
the extra-terrestrial no-shame game galaxy
the lead me backwards in stilettos and surrender sister solar system
the bird-free on two feet together kingdom
the golden glory catch-me-if-you-can universe

take a step with me
and dance with us 
towards yourself

[first performed at Biodanza teacher Daniel Cohen's 64th birthday party!]

Theatre in the Park

window-panes tortoise-drip see-through streamer-lines
clinging to the darkening frames
wood-shack planks swelling now
remembering their sturdy forest forefathers
snails drown delighted in vrot milk stout

and while the pumpkins roam free across the park
a man sniffs the damp
turns another page of trash-pulp
littering his mind with unscooped poop

his brown-eared pup shakes off its drenchcoat
a centrifugal centipede movement-moment
now weaving across the slowly marching master-figure
back and forth in instinctive sine waves
(for only human ley lines run straight)

and then as the geese fly low on their
volcano-free flight-paths
our hero feels a pelvic undershriek
crushed too long in tight thought-bottles
and as the clouds pause for insucked breath-beats
he surges out of slip-shit shoes and performs
a Swan Lake in laddered leotard
mascara-smudged and gorgeous
voice brimming with the melodies
of the half-tended garden beds’ fat vygie fingers

from the grateful waders and daisies
comes an orchestral ovation
at a pitch heard only by dogs
and passing angels

now there will be more performances like this
and the land’s ever-glowing heart 
will love them.

[vrot = Afrikaans for rotten/off; vygies = "little figs", succulent ground cover from which the Cape Flats favourite sour fig jam is made]

A Nuptial Sermon from an Ordained Minister in the Department of Foreign and Marital Affairs

Dearly beloved lovers of love
We are gathered here today to witness
Two declaring that they’re one and free
And to say in wonder “oh my! How they’ve grown!”
For what mere words can capture the perplexed complexity
The exaltation elation morning percolation before the tribulation and palpitating revelations
Of relationship?

Shall I relate the revealed truth about the theory of relatives?
(Sometimes known as the theory of special relativity)
It’s right there in the Apocryphal Gospel of Numbers which is
Channelling through us all right now – Can You Feel It?
You see, 3 cried out “I’m tired of everyone seeing me as just the sum of 1+2,
I want to be an individual!”
And 9 said “But darling, you’ll always be a square root to me”
4 declared she would stick by 3 through thick and thin
While 7 just gave a mystical grin
And 6 yelled out (as usual) “I am not a number, I’m a free man!”
Until 8 patted his hand, rolled onto her side and bamboozled him
With her infinitely chaotic curves
Thus began the great and slippery adventure of relating
The great love-crumble baking
The great incitement to excitement
The first peeling of a passed parcel
The first mixing of a new and juicier kind of glue
Of which we see before us today
One glorious and wholly improper fraction

For the goddess of amour had said to Adam or Abraham or Andries or another of those old patriarchal dudes
“Yes! You can have order and results and balance, and even a perfect marriage and bites of delicious apples, but only if you keep everything moving!
If today 2+2 wants to play at being 6,379½ recurring, let it! It’ll be a much happier 4 tomorrow!”

So I invite all of us beautiful products of this cosmic wrestle
In these quantum times of mindful togetherness and
Fractious fractal waves flirting with a ferociously fruity future
To bless these two in their pea green boat
And let us unleash our piggy-wig passion from within
And if anyone knows of any impertinent impediment or unseasonable unreasonable reason why we may not celebrate this evening
For heaven’s sake, go shout it to the hills,
And when you’ve got it out of your system come and sigh a sweaty dancing Om with us
For ours is the king and queen-dom
The power and the gorgeousness
Forever in all weathers and for all our relations – water, fire, air, rocks, plants, beasts,
Our children, our women, and our men.

[google Number 6 and his quote if you like, especially if you're not English and of a certain age; this was originally commissioned for Peter van der Post and Jacqui Simpson's Commitment Ceremony in 2011]


it was a time of instant graffitication
when billboards flashed out pounds of flesh
when ranters rampaged
across the trillions of ill-digested words
and wanderers wondered at a world full of
deurmekaartic governments

it was a time of fighting for the right to shop
for pre-cooked veg from sleazy strip-malls
built to block the dangerous dreams of
permaculture gurus and their untamed soils

it was a time for FIFAllic displays
mighty strutting peacocks distracting the
people from fair-play trade-aid
corporate-tackling truth-tellers

it is a time of alien conquests
in hapticklish cyberzones
while extra-terrestrial terrorist tourists roam outside
punk-passing trance-pills to the sleeping masses
but also teacher-plant trips to the wakeful few
chewing air thick with newer views

 it will be a time for schizophrenic society
to thrash and moult its padded skin-thin cells
to drain gulps of rampant log-moss juice
and feel a tongue-burning cleansing passion-poison

a time to find
previously unknown new pubescent protrusion
promising potent world-pleasure to those realised in the real
a time to banshee-climb to newly-spoken body-forms where
jigsaw jigs and even rumpus reels are daylight-danced

a time for all times and none
for stepping through the plume-waves of ash that
strip open our long-plastered wounded holes
into the whole

where the fields of planet-plants grow fruity delights
for our sixth and seventh senses
and hold us in our collective masterpieces

where each soul is a vintage universe
and all universes are you
vibrating at the frequencies which
solder our spider-spiral-healing soldier-souls
to the funkiest beast-beats in the yonder blue
and you are now
and we planet-dwellers weave fine-lined journeys
through whichever dimension we might choose

[deurmekaar = all over the place, messed up (Afrikaans slang) - add this to democracy and you get deurmekaartic... haptics are the science of virtual touch, hence hapticklish...]


the burbling humming honking of the day
comes to rest beneath the sun’s last pink wings
and birds make gentle calls
at heights to crest the hills

between my toes the solid crunch of
branches worn to twigs
rocks worn to pebbles
warm-blooded beasts worn to pungent soil
is felt throughout my vibrant skin
and inner notes rise up within

singing with a clarity to shape the clouds
and tempt the moon
and owls to share a wisecrack hoot or two

there is peace in the world
and it begins in my softening heart
I know my fingers touch the winds and there smell the world
and in a smile of sky
I fly home too.

Peace Day

Let us declare the arrival of World Peace
the always-peace that lies
in every watery cell of our beloved much-abused bodies
in every watery cell of our beloved much-abused planet
Let us wail cataracts of wild calm,
spout-sprouting coral-tunes with our deepest belly-swirl basslines
Let our vapour-breath mingle into magical mushroom clouds
spreading torrential outpourings of pure peaceful presence
May monks’ musical mantras blossom
into flying white carpet-blessings from their snowy lands
May our tear-words clear to liquid crystal displays of joy
in mirror-pool meetings with other moist souls
May the holy rivers of blood within us glow
with seaweed-wishes and hearty community stews
May we take up arms and fingers and tongues
to sound out spell out sing out pebble-ripples of softness and connection and
Let us swim the eddies of the chaos with salmon-trust that our voices of love are heard
turning warships to worships to will-be ships of global friendship
sailing over the ever-listening ever-caressing waters of our world
riding onto soothing shores in a passionate wave of peace-prayer
that floods over the rocky barricades with surging beautiful foamy truth
daring to surrender into the bubble-bursting giggle-streams
of a peace-performance
which we weirdly wonderful world-loving peaceniks can no longer hold back from
for it has already begun  

[first performed at the International Peace Day celebration at Cape Town Civic Centre in 2011]

Meat or Greet

I've got tummy ache.
It started under fallen yellow arches
back when a large Coke was the real thing to do
and a sticky flesh slab in a bun was kinda fun
garnished with forced smiles and the gourmet tastes
of tik and ketchup brew
an inside sewage kind of stew

I've got tummy ache
E numbers flash before my eyes in
ecstatic effluent excess
effusively leading me to farty Smarties parties
these days even baboons on raids
prefer their yoghurt fat-free
But oh! The shame of Aspartame!
Just google it and see

I've got tummy ache
and as I soften 'neath the gentle hymns of Kenny G
apathetic victim of supermarketed allergies
I wend my way through the miles
of sacred shopping aisles
a weekly wedding cavalcade
that covers more than it unveils
(meat crimes hide with elegance
behind the words we've loaned from French
but that's another tale)

I've got tummy ache -
it's bubbling over with stout-soaked stoats
and well-swilled wines
marinaded fish eggs in a vodka-coated slime
served on a bed of dollar bills
in a globulous gobbing tribute
to the overfishing trawlers of today
and the brave sailors of the past
who would not rest until the last
Mauritian dodo had been eradicated
and they could laugh off their scurvy stench
displaying all the scary teeth of the Great White Human
folk memories repeat in the throat
while I bite another leg of stoat

I've got tummy ache
growing groaning self-raising in my gut
too much affection for confectionery
insulating my skin with insulin
just another junk-food junkie
cos the sugar on the label
is no natural bee-buzz
but a snorting crystal rush
and the caffeine and tobacco
waging war against the calories
lifts me high above the cane fields
till my buzz-balloon bursts

I've got tummy ache
and it's not the tinned chakalaka or the Boerie en sous
or the joy of soy or the polony with pesto
or the Allah cart halaal or the kosher whore d'oeuvres
or the screams of the lobsters
or the muffled shrieks of oysters
or the pizzas with enough garlic to subdue
the five thousand being fed
or the sobbing of the widows of the suicidal farmers
seed-bank slaves of the millionaire marketing men

It's the fear of a dumb animal watching his species
drink-drive the boxed-in bloodied path to the abbatoir
and I don't want to admit it stresses me out
in case they line me up like a Kommetjie beached whale
whose last meal was plastic bag in fishing line batter
and put me out of my misery with a caring gunshot
without asking me why
because they always know best

I've got tummy ache -
time to stop the caramelizing and start animalizing my mind
through my animal eyes
letting in pure-earth-blood-love in the
vibrant roots and shoots and leaves that fill my family feasts
so it pumps through my continents of praying-river-body-being
and though my head might throb with wallet-ache at the
conscious A to Zees, alpha to omega-3s,
my belly-ocean croons at the news
that I'm quitting all this food abuse
one day at a time.
My gut says:
a single beefburger
or drinking water for the rest of your life?
You choose.
My spleen says:
beyond the wallpaper ads that clutter our minds
it really is that simple.
You choose.
My heart says:
beyond the 'O' blood-type excuses for still pursuing
the warty slaughter rituals of a bygone aeon -
you choose.

And I don't mean Coke or Pepsi.
I'm not talking Virgin Cola or Virgin Active.
Not banana shake or bubblegum.

I mean listen to what the whales are saying and choose.

Remember what your uncle monkey
hollered in your holy sinews and choose.

Softly press your leopard-pad paws into night-soaked soil
forget your paunches lift your haunches
to the lean heart-beat game of game views and choose.

Stoke the blazing mantra echoes through the wilderness of caves
recreate your mammal molecules and chew
the cud of full-cream free range choices
knowing that the cows will bless your mellow songs
and the blossoms and superfood seeds
will fruitily toot their melodies
you'll no longer be saucily screwed
by the millionaire marketing men but
making steamed fresh love with taste-budded fingertips

My tummy ache is a part of me.
It's led me on a voyage to the magical styles
of the infra-red range of aisles
to intuitive desserts richer than chocolate-death sauce
to slow curry-concertos of local food and
global garden barley and oat cuisine
to Gorgonzola gratitude with every meal I'm given
spicily stirring love and Popeye spinach into every meal I share
and so creating with my cooking a rarified kind of air
coated by unseen painters and players.

Molweni! Sawubona! Bonsoir! Goeienaand! Greetings!
Tonight I welcome you to my table.
Let us drink to the health of the millionaire marketing men as we
welcome their companies' imminent transformation
(or demise)
and then let us eat.

[hmm where to begin... tik = appallingly destructive drug ravaging the Cape Flats; tinned chakalaka = popular sauce for meat especially in township communities, while Boerie is short for Boerewors, the classic Afrikaans farm sausage... with sous, sauce of course; Kommetjie is a village on the south-west side of the Cape Peninsula, where a pod of pilot whales beached themselves in 2009 and were controversially shot; Virgin Active is Branson's chain of gyms in SA; the rest you can figure out]


Stepping beyond our well-carved niches
The ever-shrouded clockwork spiral urges us
To meet

Brow-beaten beneath the sun’s brooding
There brews a catlike unfurling
Towards each other

And an effervescent ferment
Overlays the bones of two who once were lame at heart
And we call it love
But in truth it is a blacksmith’s dance

For this crown (inlaid with mother-of-us-all) must daily melt
And as we pound our lovers’ soot
We’ll strike wisdom

Cracking open each mined petal with squirrel-soft touch
Leaves us breathless, laughing, and sometimes spinning
A jewelled journey awaits the brave

Moments may come when we turn away
To face our well-carved hibernation zones
But we’ll find we have outgrown them

So let us blink beneath the sun’s blessing
Feeling again - within our smiling skins, mutually moulded -
The joy upon us of the world’s kiss.

[originally commissioned for my brother Kielan's wedding to Kate Mandeville in 2009, previously published in the Living Consciously diary for 2010]

If these passes give us more legroom mouthroom heartroom than
Those that were withheld
From passed-on serfs and freedom fighters
They remain pure petty symptoms
Of prattling-Gatling power-powder
State property in our pockets, branding us with barcodes
While in the more sophisticated nations
Smiling is no longer permissible 

Yet today global apartheid's fence-hopping strait-swimming victims
Fight back against lazy long-dead maplines
Toyi-toying for a personal future
Often built on bribes and false pasts
Because such finger-swivelling is the only correct response
To the gold-standard arrogance of those
Who issue and declare with puff-penguin passion
Who insist that this system is for every citizen's safety
Who assert their dutiful rights to pass or fail 

While newspaper knives spread pasteurised panic-butter
And too many bloodshot anaesthetised eyes
Look away in loathing
Seeking only their vaccine fixes 

The time will come when the razor-lights grow mild with dew
And lino-shiny tiles become coated in moist bubbles
Which are all that remain of the government-issue green pillars
And the gatherings of chino shades
and dreadlocked iPods
and fried egg faces
Finally reach the front of the snake's tail
And the posters are handwritten in bright pastels
The blue-rinser on your left no longer wastes her Mixit minutes
Texting some fellow-dateline-pensioner
Waiting to reach the finish line before the pearly gates close
And punctuating passport stamps create a cacophony that
Rises in tidal swoons above the caged clerk chorus
Visa fees flee before the tight-lipped legal Sméagols
Can pin them down and apply the screws
And men with caps and badges will discover that
Love in triplicate knows no secure borders
Or idle tribal private pride 

Know then that the secret spies of spirit
Squeak beyond the barricades
And break the triple deadlocks of the desperate despots 

For the seat of power is not deep inside the frosty corridors
Or somewhere in the spider-scurry scrums that are forever England
Or shooting lenses at the metal scars of battle
Or above the tabloid state affairs surveying the changing Guard 

But off the satellite map
Where rituals turn the earth
Where life is undefined
Where you speak, I hear, we touch
Where dusty lovers hold pearl-pebbles and feel
The laughter

That crescendoes from the forest floor
That crumples the word-weapons and roasts the ageing fury
Of the self-appointed guardians
That scissor-knits the planet into blooming passport pastures
That teaches us the patient lessons of right action in queues
That makes us know that the guttersnipe xenophobes
Have been us all along
That makes us know that it is we who are the magical monarchs
Holding light-orbs swelling from our fingertips
Constantly creating journeys through our own First Nations

[inspired of course by long periods waiting in the SA Department of Home Affairs for identity documents... and longer and ruder periods waiting for the British equivalents. Mixit is a chatroom facility highly popular with South African youth]

Remembering Bra Winston 

The bright lights shone so cool and yet
your presence warmed them all
those fruit-full tones rippled out
juicily piercing the night air
refusing exile's brasher badge
though perhaps a homecoming would have seen
Cape Town finally fill those seats 

The bright lights shone so strong and yet
you flew above those tunes we played for five-star guests
a packaged New Year aperitif for those
too drunk to hear your soul
and yet you couldn't help but give 

Perhaps some who shared your stage
felt they were the stellar ones
for you, crafting the hotseat
moment by moment
remained screen-hidden by nature
the rarest Cape vintage 

The bright lights sparkled to the rhythms
while dancers jazzed in Galaxy sweat
or swayed in Gugulethu fields
and something bigger than the world we knew was born
each time your lips touched reed
each plagal cadence ushering communion
each backstage look of brother-love 

Can I shout your name from Devil's Peak?
Rouse a media-molested people to meet
your passing wake with honour?
Cause cheating industry execs
to pause and hear recorded lines
of your wordless elegies
your eloquent breath-sermons
and the ripe melodies of your inner heart? 

If not, and this fickle town forgets
and new generations never know your songs
and the bright lights shine ceaselessly
then bless the angels with your voice
surprise them with the knowledge
that beauty still haunts this land.

[Winston Mankunku, Cape Town's greatest unsung jazz hero, who died in 2010. It was an honour to play with him; please listen to his music!]
“Mirror mirror on the wall… does my aura look fat in this?”

Humans are beings of light. This we know.
radioactive light rising monstrous from the swamp
an unleashed from the depths avenging squid pro quo light
a radiopassive hypnotising cold glare light
a prison prevent-terror search and spotlight
an indecent Immorality Act flash-exposé light
a subliminal flicker advert-pervert-the-sublime light
an eerie do-nothing change-nothing be-nothing neon glow-in-the-dark multimedia mall M-pT 3D-player light

You cannot be serious, man!
Is this the way we choose to lighten up?
I prefer milkier ways
loosely curled in crater-caverns
soft-centred fluffy crystal feather-lights
Donald Duck soothe your inner-night-child lights
richly-stained saintly halo at the window lights
moon-cool slow-drop dead gorgeous in your soul-lights
wave-rush foam-green galloping to shore lights

Tonight, let’s be that forgotten luminosity
swept from the hearth and under a Persian fatwa rug
like lanternfish stumbling into a long-sunk cathedral
a you-were-just-a-twinkle-in-your-daddy’s-eyes light
a painted rainbows in pyjamas loony-on-the-lawn light
a wind-up-your-parents noisy after sunset torchlight
a jewelled glimmer jelly beams and sparklers light

Yes, I have a scheme for solidarity through solar power!
Let’s be smouldering swanky impolite lights
blazing rip-roaring lion-fire in your eyes lights
squawking Force-filled sabre-toothed lazer lights
lusty Lucy-feral lick-lips lights
shake your beauty booty baby lights
stretch your rays out music-in-your-fingers lights

golden glowing magma flowing delightful dawn shine-symphonies
strike-twice lightnings enchanting the air
communal candelabra-cadabras my bras
flaming wands, star-spangled burning bushes
wonder-spell Words made fleshy truth
living shimmer-gifts, shape-shifting comets of joy
coaxing coy shadows out of the theatre's angel-wings
loving the world wildly till her molten core sings

SACRED LIFE (first published in "Flying on the Lucid Fringe" 2009)

we climb above the moist decaying triumphs
of the tree line into gypsy territory
carried by lichen dust and the presence of reindeer
a world where horns have horses and
icicle kaleidoscopes hang over
cotton wool valleys
shattering the blue

somewhere here lies the truth
(obscured by quartz crystal balls and scissor-wielding so-called
scientists desperate to uninvent the water-wheels of the soul)
in the cold grand breath and the alkaline cadences
of pulsing palms hoisting our flagging torso temples
we witness our own glory
flaring down – flying back – no need for visas
from a future hoed by calloused hands

the music of butterflies expands
over space that’s rippling thick as honey
tempting us, teasing us, pizzicato pricking us
in gypsy colours of the mind we sink
drowning in the scent of geraniums
back below the line of fire

where luminous fungi rage and munch in gooseflesh steps
along the pathways of the monochrome brain
but we ride bareback and whinny and sculpt
unsolvable riddles in the wind
joining lightning fingertips until the
water-wheels of our soul become yet again
the engine of the ocean of the Universe
joining breasts and hips in quiet massive causing
sometimes the beasts unleashed are merely parasites in swarm
sweeping acid storms into spirals of inter-tribal torrents
crusading beyond the asteroids of feelings in a
quest for one-size-fits-all pain
then we’ll remember where the gypsies live
skip once more to the surface of the crater
embracing and thanking and becoming the air ’neath our feet
thick with thoughts
full of futures
resonating with spirits
glowing in the shattered blue

Ballad of an Englishman (Eat Your Heart Out Billy Bragg)

I’m going to tell you a story
It is the ballad of an Englishman
He grew to be bitter and angry
At the fate of his ancient land

He grew up in the east of the country
Looking neither to the north or the south
He was ten before he visited London town
And the crowns and the sceptres left him wide in the mouth

You see England was built by invaders
It seems that conquering was in our genes
And the Celtic fringe in all our family lines
Were battered and raped or just lay down and died

Whatever happened to the voice of the druids
Whatever happened to the songs of the bards
The Romans rode straight across those rolling hills
Now most of them are covered in tar

They say that irony stops at the Channel
Perhaps beyond it lay the land of belief
Where a man could look another man in the eye
And show him his heart, not feel a fist in the teeth

Now Britain had its moment of glory
Standing united ’gainst the fascist threat
Back in my grandaddy’s day he dropped bombs in the war
But I didn’t get why we had to fight wars any more

Yes I was this Englishman growing up scared
At the things my ancestors had done
We chopped down the biggest trees upon the earth
For masts for our ships to carry soldiers and guns

Men left the darkness of Victorian England
To spread “morality” to “heathens on heat”
But what nobody talked about in London town
Was the masses of women who were walking the streets

By the time that I reached teenhood
Besides the Falklands all the glory was gone
Britannia’s fury was turned on the miners and women
Who tried to turn us away from the bomb

Most of us were glued to the telly
My team was always the Scots or the French
But when it came to standing tall in the face of it all
My shame and me, we sat on the fence

There was money and wealth in abundance
So we smiled through the pain inside
Till I got on a plane, never looked back again
At a land in which I felt no pride
Here in the true Motherland of humanity
I found division and racial fear
And all over the world where such hatred remains
You will usually find that the British were there

Whatever happened to the vision of Shakespeare
Embracing everybody under the sun
Now the only thing it seems the English care about
Is which minor celebrity’s at number one

I’m in awe of those who have chosen to stay grounded
In the shadow of those dark Satanic mills
Unceasing from your Mental Fight to build Jerusalem
On that island of social and spiritual ills

But now I’ve gratitude for what I received there
For the poets and the rebels and the seers
I have finally found pride in the land of my birth
In those who came before me with their hands in the earth

Because I know my forefathers could dance
And I know my foremothers could sing
I know that they loved as they worked and they prayed
And gave thanks to the land that brought them everything

So I’ll pour out my heart in this song that I sing
With all the power of an Englishman
I’ll paint my face blue and I’ll stand for what’s true
And I’ll march out for peace once again

A peace not enforced by policemen
But born within the depths of our souls
That spreads love and warmth to the whole human race
No matter what creed or what colour of face
With intuitive wisdom a million years old

The warrior spirit of England can rise
To the sound of the fiddle and drum
And help like St George heal the weak by giving them
Strength to shine their light in the sun

I dream of a world without nations
Where all human beings are one
Dancing together like dolphins do
Loving ourselves and letting more love through

So wherever you trace your roots too
Give thanks for the wounds and the gifts and the rage
But choose to be free like I choose to be me
And pray for the dawning of a bright new age

I said I’d tell you a story
It was the ballad of this Englishman
And if you want to see how much my heart has grown
You’ll find me somewhere on this planet that I call my home

[Billy Bragg, the UK's most Politically Correct pop icon in my teenage years. Though I was more into Sting myself...]

Here's a few more poems that were published in my 2009 book, Flying on the Lucid Fringe. a few copies are also still available from me. Afterwards is a little rationale I wrote at the time of the launch for why people should even consider buying a poetry book...


Forever she moans
Together he croaks
Chewing fynbos in a fantasy
Of lost love and tender proteas
Whose protection they fight for
With the eagerness of swollen souls
Their eyes swell in the mists of
Lurid fresh forests, high and carefree and
Lost. Years. Cycle. Past.

Through the yellowwood grove comes
The saw and the helmet and the
Heavy thick moustache of the Tree-hunter
And his deadly team who with masterful
Determination help to end the elves place
Alienating and exterminating
The sole San souls who sought a bridge
Through the rainbows to the light of
Dark love and the plunging yearning
Virility of the mountain’s true trees

Guardians off guard, wasted by a
Culture whose crassness caused
A desolate Web, while hope spins
Eternal in her forever moans
Eternal in his together gropes

Ropes pull the rainbows back
Helmets lift the veils of cryptic aeons
To flights of seeking speaking
Creaking on the boardwalks of Time
Crafted with hardened hands
Learning once more to touch.

BOYHOOD’S HEART (Memories of 1981)

With Baggy Madness Trousers on the stereo
we prepared the middle school stage
felt the thrill of orchestral satisfaction
Little Drummer Boy on a music stand page

crowning of a year begun with loving, raucous fun
from Mr Spinks who labelled my trombone case a coffin
who hung Ricky from the rafters and stood Daniel on a chair
to perform his Donald Duck voice while the class laughed and stared

Daniel who blew gum bubbles and hung fishing nets in rivers
and told me my first dirty joke one night, but
I found a forest of books about boats
on the Broads and boys and witches’ cats

we all left the city for a Boys’ Brigade camp
a sleeping bag and a lilo and a martial blue hat
and James’s strip show for the girls to the vicar’s surprise
and the boredom of cancelled outings while Charles married Di
and disbelief at Noah’s age and porridge with a fork
and whoopee cushions and sneezing powder
and – just once – going to church to earn points
and the ninth birthday present of learning meditation
and the freedom and the stillness of the patterns in my mind

rowed to an island in a Yugoslav lake
ate soft veal and bought a real souvenir
spent a day in Italy astonished at the lire’s value
drove too fast in an Austrian’s Mercedes Benz
past tall fields of corn to a village museum of
ancient simple peasant houses
saw indulgent riverside chateaux and
huge chess pieces in a Klagenfurt park
climbed the whole day up a white stone path
to a ledge over the scree
and even into Yugoslavia again
somewhere, below the fog

perhaps I pondered questions of nations and history
but Botham’s cricket victories impressed me more
along with Peggy’s rounders hits and my balancing on a bike
or a quarter pound of sherbet lemons after school
or the red Mini Metro that shaped my cake
or the pebbles that were Sheringham’s beach
or Pete’s Dragon in three reels on the school projector
or mum, frying flat door-delivered Friday fish.


seeping in resin-sticky moments
rubber cracks in the sky force memories through
wailing incantations incarnate from the time-trunk of fear
carnivorous carnival
across a continent with the scars to show
matchlock burnt-black monarchs
selling bodies to the caravels
and their sweet sugar slavery

as the train hoots through the vlei I recall
the blood in the rivers of humanity’s homeland
the rancid fame of knighted cream cannibals
crimson-reeking caramel
in every nut-brown melting mouthful
wrapped conveniently in history-hiding plastic

before we pale wanderers returned from our
hundred-thousand year journeys
copper was the African metal of choice
now decaying mines poison our water
in the City of Gold and buchu alone will
not heal all the scars in the night sky

Ha! Welcome the ancestral voices (light the mpepu)
Pass around their naïve vices and sluk a little mampoer
Uncurl from the deep-set whiplashed shape of old
Or from the daily bent-back trowel-tasks of the office chair
Find the daily wail that lies within and calls for the
Lifting of out-of-Africa-amnesia and a
Global shake-down with the spirits streaming in our veins
Unveiling our cracking seams and streams

Today, this is my song –
I declare solidarity with my soul-siblings from
The lives where I chose deeper tannins to colour my flesh
And I declare freedom from the gnawing guilt of six violent centuries
And I declare freedom to spiral out from the epicentre of a new storm
In epic centredness

From the heart of our granite-bound ground
With palms caught in heavenly crossfire
Throbbing with the juice of forgiving mountains
Where the herbs grow taller than the frogs jump
And trains are but the distant toys of children

I declare that integrated incantations will enthuse us
Leaping like salmons to the source of a
Fluid rock-power which seeps soft and healing
In resin-sticky moments of fresh milkwood joy.

"Flying on the Lucid Fringe retails at R90, with 10% of profits going to eco-charities, and is printed on recycled paper.

BUT: Why on earth should you buy a poetry book?

Well, picture if you will an imaginary (but perhaps typical) bookshelf

There are rows of Danielle Steele and Wilbur Smith and Spud 1/2/3

There are a few dusty classics, Olive Schreiners, Dickens and the like, a small Afrikaans section...

And just maybe a volume of poetry (Blake?) that is largely undisturbed

because people think poetry books are like novels and manuals and biographies and travelogues and have to be picked up and read from the beginning to the end.
This would give most people indigestion at least and probably have smoke pouring out of their ears.

In fact, the best place for poetry books (if they must live in something as mundane as a typical bookshelf) is in the reference section. Right there, next to the Cape Town map and the Jamie Oliver recipe book and the dictionary and the what to do in an emergency type book. Where you can pull it out and intuitively (with a little help from the angels) turn to the right page to:

    *      inspire your dreams with a poem before bed or your day with a poem after bed
    *      hit a deeper note with your dinner guests
    *      share some words for your spouse's birthday or for your granny to dance to
    *      take you beyond the daily playback routine while waiting for that train
    *      find the real news that you won't find on CNN or even Facebook"

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